Jaded Hearts

Often times, images speak more to me than words do, but this morning’s devotional cut right through my heart: “Our attitudes are an outward display of what’s taking place in our hearts.” Normally, we tend to regard our attitudes as an outward reflection of what is going on in our lives, but very rarely do we stop and consider that our attitudes, actions, AND words are a reflection of what’s going on in our hearts. There is so much hurt in this world – no matter who is at fault or to blame – but I am here to tell you that the healing and joy available to you far outweighs the hurt! James 1:2 says, “dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great 33017joy.” It may not feel like it right now, but there is joy to be found. There is light in the darkness. There is healing in the hurt. I’m here to tell you, this is a challenge for me as well. While it is a struggle some days to rejoice IN all things, it is so important to guard our hearts and our words. Hurt people hurt people. Don’t let your attitudes and actions leave a permanent mark of a temporary place you are in. Let love, peace, and joy take root in your heart so that the flowers of your soul blossom.


Live Big!

If You’re Happy and You Know It…

Real life truth right here: you’ll never BE happy with anyone until you’re happy with yourself. Able to spend time by yourself. Able to be alone. Able to look in the mirror, with all your flaws, stretch marks, scars (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ), and speak kindly to yourself. You’ll never be happy until you finally realize17264993_10101407017178581_6793982253575726291_n that happiness is not a life void of trials and tribulations but one that is full of faith, grace, and choice. It is only when you allow healing to occur and gratitude to reign that you will be truly happy and will attract like minded people into your life. That’s when you can be with someone who feeds your happiness and helps it grow.


Live BIG!