De Colores!

ee33712f9709fa6541d1f74e233263a5Speechless. That’s how the last 4 days left me. Hardly able to string words together to form a sentence (shock, I know). There are no words in the dictionary to describe the journey, the process, the transformation that occurred on my Walk to Emmaus.

I came home today completely and utterly exhausted physically, mentally “drunk”, emotionally calm (which is EPIC), and spiritually made new. Not renewed…because of things I carried that kept me from accepting and believing God’s unconditional love and blessings over my life (there’s a huge difference in knowing and believing )…but new. I am a new woman with a new heart, spirit, soul and well of courage and faith I’ve never had.

I can’t thank everyone enough for the encouragement, prayers, blessings, and love this weekend and am forever humbled by the seeds that Monte, Tiffany, and Rodney planted in my life as well as mine and Gus’ (Shawn) future and the spiritual healing I received through Jimmy and Momma D (not to be confused with our Mama D).

Here is to a lifetime of fresh starts, agape love, grace (and snort) filled adventures, buttermilk pie, divine appointments, family, and freedom!

De Colores!
Live BIG!


Here we go!

You know you need Jesus when you get a police escort to your walk. Just kidding, kind of. The sheriff is in the truck with us!18118910_10101465247644261_8810457037244490729_n_427

Heading to my walk to Emmaus with an open mind and open heart. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and to Rodney and Tiffany for opening the doors for Gus and I this year. “See” y’all Sunday night!