Are You Alive?

Thanks to @kammw97 for this little gem. I had a long overdue pow-wow with @livinlifephoto and @the_pearl_antler last night and this made me think of them. I a17457266_10101419294864001_3230263561573554471_nm reminded how blessed I am to be surrounded by such remarkable, strong, independent, go-get ’em women who defy the odds, buck public opinion, and are writing their own story and paving the path of their future not realizing how much they inspire others. Keep on keepin’ on!


Live Big!

Don’t Be a Prick

I’ve often been told I’ve lived a life wearing rose colored glasses … I’d rather be known for that then being mean, rude, and unkind. Negative attracts negative … meaning, you’ll only see the bad in people, situations, etc. and those are the people you’ll surround yourself with. However, when you equip yourself with faith, good friends, and trust that the difficult place in the journey is only temporary, it 17309707_10101411517494911_1430032243361338133_nmakes it all bearable. Just remember, at some point in life, you’ll ALWAYS reap what you’ve sowed. So, when you’re having a bad day, continue to sow kindness, peace, and love in other’s lives … and see what happens!


Live BIG!

If You’re Happy and You Know It…

Real life truth right here: you’ll never BE happy with anyone until you’re happy with yourself. Able to spend time by yourself. Able to be alone. Able to look in the mirror, with all your flaws, stretch marks, scars (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ), and speak kindly to yourself. You’ll never be happy until you finally realize17264993_10101407017178581_6793982253575726291_n that happiness is not a life void of trials and tribulations but one that is full of faith, grace, and choice. It is only when you allow healing to occur and gratitude to reign that you will be truly happy and will attract like minded people into your life. That’s when you can be with someone who feeds your happiness and helps it grow.


Live BIG!