
True {Agape} Love

Scrolling through my Facebook memories this morning, I came upon the quote below that I wrote on this date in 2010. The older I get, the more I realize that true, healing, all-encompassing, unconditional love is a gift. What you do with it is up to you. But if you never give it to someone, you’ll never receive it either. Love heals, restores, refreshes, rejuvenates, and inspires.

“Love is not just a mushy feeling you have for someone.Love is a decision.You decide whether to let someone in and just how much of your heart to give. Love is also a gift of God. His gift to one may be that He wrote your name all over their heart and soul. His gift to you may be that this person loves you unconditionally. It’s up to you whether you accept God’s gift or not.~Red (Michelle A. Farley)

True Love

True Love

#overthetop17 #theyearofchoices #liveBIG #laughBIG #loveBIG #rideBIG#believeBIG #DreamBIG #danceBIG #createBIG #GodisGreat#myGodisbigger #befierce #beyou #heartonfire #redhairdontcare


Fear Not

This morning’s prayer devotional was off the charts. If you are fearful (which I am guilty of on any given day of one or more of the following … fear of the future, failure at work/family/relationship, not living up to God’s purpose over my life, finances, etc. etc), then you are giving yourself way too much credit and not believing in the one who created you. Today, I pray that you (and I’m preaching to myself) make a list of all the things you fear, rational and irrational and that you pray over that list .. go to Him and ask specifically and realistically to meet your NEEDS (not your desires), to move forward in 2017 in abundance of health (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially) and to release you from the burden and shackles of fear. Make the choice to believe in the one who made the moon and stars and not in your own abilities.

Fear Not



Special Occasions

This includes clothes, jewelry, dishes, shoes, and ‘I love you’s.’ I struggle with journaling, so for 2017 I have chosen to write down one thing that happened during the day that I want to be able to remember. Each and every day is a gift, so make today … even if it’s just a small part of it … worth remembering ( if not for yourself, for someone else)!
