You gotta love FB memories. I wrote this 8 years ago for one of my girls, but I think it applies to life in general and all those we come into contact with.
Peace, love, and pie.
It is the purest of hearts that you will find God’s love and favor, peace and joy. It is with the heart that is pure in God that you will sow forward love that cannot be matched because you are sharing a small glimpse of what God has for us. It is in your heart that there is no way any man will ever truly grasp the depths or the widths to which you love unless he is fully seeking his peace and happiness in God. It is then that he will see His abundance and gifts seeping out of everything you do with the purest intentions.
Graham Cooke: “”How do you love when love is not returned? Real love doesn’t look for a return. It loves for the sheer sake of loving. It loves because that is the real nature of God.”
“Getting what you want is not nearly as important as giving what you have.” – Tom Krause.
Dear Lord, may my heart be pure, may my love be true, and may I give away freely to those I know or come into contact with the love, patience, and grace you shower upon me each and every day.